If you have already read my previous blog, then I am assuming you can create a basic pipe. I'll show you now, how to use different search modules and combine their search results into one unified output result.
We'll search in Google and in Yahoo against a keyword and images for the same keyword would be fetched from Flickr. Outputs of these three search would be combined finally.
Follow the procedure:
- Go to Yahoo! Pipes.
- Sign in with your yahoo account.
- Choose “Create a pipe”.
- After the pipe editor has loaded, drag “Google Base ” to the editor panel from the “Sources” category of the left pane.
- Drag "Yahoo Search" to the editor pane.
- Drag "Flickr" to the editor pane.
- Drag "Text input" from the "User inputs" category.
- Edit fields of the “Text input” module as necessery: write “Search For” in the prompt field.
- Write 1 in the position field.
- Write “Einstein” in Default and Debug field.
- Connect this “Text Input” module with
- the text field after the "with keywords" in the Google module
- the text field after the "search for" in the Yahoo module
- the text field “image for” in the Flickr module.
- Now drag “Union ” from the “Operators” category.
- Connect the outputs of Google, Yahoo and Flickr module with 3 input slots of the union module.
- Finally connect the output of the Union module with the "Pipe Output".
- Save the pipe.
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