I try to write blogs whenever I get spare time

Just to let you know what I am trying to learn and what I am doing now.

Using the Union operator in Yahoo Pipes to combine your search results

If you have already read my previous blog, then I am assuming you can create a basic pipe. I'll show you now, how to use different search modules and combine their search results into one unified output result.
We'll search in Google and in Yahoo against a keyword and images for the same keyword would be fetched from Flickr. Outputs of these three search would be combined finally.
Follow the procedure:

  • Go to Yahoo! Pipes.
  • Sign in with your yahoo account.
  • Choose “Create a pipe”.
  • After the pipe editor has loaded, drag “Google Base ” to the editor panel from the “Sources” category of the left pane.
  • Drag "Yahoo Search" to the editor pane.
  • Drag "Flickr" to the editor pane.
  • Drag "Text input" from the "User inputs" category.
  • Edit fields of the “Text input” module as necessery: write “Search For” in the prompt field.
  • Write 1 in the position field.
  • Write “Einstein” in Default and Debug field.
  • Connect this “Text Input” module with
  1. the text field after the "with keywords" in the Google module
  2. the text field after the "search for" in the Yahoo module
  3. the text field “image for” in the Flickr module.
  • Now drag “Union ” from the “Operators” category.
  • Connect the outputs of Google, Yahoo and Flickr module with 3 input slots of the union module.
  • Finally connect the output of the Union module with the "Pipe Output".
  • Save the pipe.
And your pipe is created successfully. Now watch the output in the Debug pane or run it. You'll get the aggregated or unified output.


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